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Thursday, 1 May 2014

A Starting Point

We all have to start somewhere and when we do, we start on the basis of some presuppositions. This blog is no different. It starts from the presupposition that the Bible is the Word of God and, as such, is true and contains everything we need for life, faith and practice.

  1. Why start here?
The Bible claims to be ‘pure’ (Psalm 12v6; Proverbs 30v5), ‘perfect’ (Psalm 19v7), true (John 17v17), and ‘God-breathed’ (2 Timothy 3v16). If those claims are to be true, then the Bible must be a reliable document; if it is not reliable, then those claims are not true and if they are not true, then it is unreliable – a catch 22 situation. But what of those who think the Bible is partly reliable and partly not; that it contains errors, falsehoods and inaccuracies? If it is not reliable in its entirety, then that reflects on the Author Himself. A person who habitually writes documents that are full of errors soon won’t be believed no matter what he writes, even when what he writes is actually true. If the Bible is full of errors as some would claim (even among those who say they are Christians) then God cannot be trusted. Which bits of the Bible are error and which are true? Who should decide? No, the whole Bible either stands or falls as a whole. It is not a hotchpotch of bits and pieces, some reliable, some not, from which individuals can pick and choose what to believe and what to reject. If any part of it is unreliable, then the whole is going to be considered unreliable and we have no way of knowing what is true and what isn't. If the Bible contains errors, then God is not true (because He says the Bible is true – an error is not true); if God is not true, then He ceases to be God and ceases to be good.

The Bible is our only guide for faith and practice. If it is not true, then our whole foundation crumbles. We need to be able to trust God; He asks that of us. If He is untrue, then how can we trust Him? If we doubt His word, then we doubt Him; our faith is not on a secure foundation. If we cannot trust Him when He says His word is pure, then we cannot trust anything He says. So if we are going to consider the subject of Radical Discipleship, we need to be sure we are standing on a firm foundation.

  1. Is there any evidence for the truth of the Bible?
I am not going to go into depth in answering this question. There is plenty of information available for those who wish to look into it further. My intention is simply to mention the types of evidence available and give some examples and a few links for further study.

a.       Manuscript evidence – there are more than 5000 documents relating to the Bible. Not all the documents contain the whole Bible, but there are several copies of each part – and the miracle is, they all in the main agree with one another. Where there are discrepancies, they are of minor or grammatical points. There is more consistency between the various texts of the Bible than there is between the various texts of Plato, or Socrates, or Aristotle, for example. You can read more of this in the book, ‘New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? By F. F. Bruce.

b.      Archaeological evidence

A few examples:

Genesis 10v10-12 lists several cities, the first cities mentioned in the Bible. Archaeologists discovered these cities over a century ago and have positively identified them, thus providing evidence for an historical basis of the accounts of Abraham’s journeys.

Many of the Israelite kings have been attested to in inscriptions and carvings, such as Omri, Jehu, David, and Jeroboam, to mention a few.

A stone discovered in 1868, known as the ‘Moabite Stone’ describes a battle between Mesha King of Moab and Ahab, son of Omri. The latter two were kings of Israel; you can read about them and the battle in 2 Kings 3v4-5.

Dr. Nelson Glueck, probably the greatest modern authority on Israeli archaeology, has said:
"No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries."

You can read more about how archaeological discoveries support the Bible here and here.

c.       Eye witness accounts

The New Testament was written by people who either witnessed first hand the events of which they wrote, or were companions of those who had witnessed the events. Many of them were put to death for their beliefs. Had those beliefs been a lie, then surely they would have changed their stories to save themselves from being used as sport in the arena, eaten alive by wild animals, or burned alive? It beggars belief that anyone would cling to a falsehood, knowing it was false, in the face of such opposition. While there could have been some deluded souls who might do so, there are far too many accounts of Christians being martyred for their faith to make it credible that they would have died for a lie.

d.      Fulfilled prophecy

There are more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament pertaining to the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ. The Bible was written by around 40 authors (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit), over some 1600 years, yet many of the books have prophecies about One who was to come – and these prophecies were fulfilled in Christ.

One of the most remarkable is Psalm 22, which clearly describes the crucifixion, but written hundreds of years before the Romans invented crucifixion as a method of execution.

To read other fulfilled prophecies, please look here

e.      Scientific evidence

People will tell you that science has ‘disproved the Bible’ long ago and only brainwashed, unintelligent people could possibly believe it. We are considered deluded, gullible, and are the subject of ridicule and derision. They tell us that evolution is a fact and therefore the creation story is a myth, or a fairytale. However, science looks at the facts and then interprets those facts. An apple falling to the ground is a fact; gravity is a theory. Geological layers and fossils are facts; evolution is a theory. The self same facts are available to Christians too, but they interpret them differently. Starting from the basis that the word of God is true, Christians look at the facts as presented and formulate a theory or a hypothesis that fits both the facts and the Biblical account. The interpretation is not the facts, it is a conclusion drawn from those facts. Some scientists have concluded that God cannot exist; others have used the same facts to indicate that God is powerful and creation is wonderful (full of wonder).

Please see: 

This list is not exhaustive, nor is it meant to be. It simply gives a brief taster of the reasons for why the Bible is reliable. Does it matter whether the Bible is true or not? For the reasons given above, yes, I believe it does matter. If the Bible is not reliable, or contains errors, then God cannot be trusted. If God cannot be trusted, then why believe anything He says?  Which parts of the Bible can we simply throw away as unreliable? Why live our lives as Christians at all? What becomes of the hope of heaven that Christians speak of? But if God is true as He claims, and His word is true as He claims, then we can trust Him and trust His word. As more evidence comes to light, scientific, newly discovered manuscripts, or archaeological discoveries, there is nothing that contradicts the Bible, but these discoveries actually support the Biblical account.

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